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NY Midtown Hilton

1,750 kW CHP

  • This Cogeneration plant installation at this prestigious 44-floor hotel located in the heart of Manhattan and the largest plant built to date in New York.


  • The integrated Cogeneration system includes 1,750 kW (1.75 Megawatt); natural gas reciprocating generators; heat recovery steam generators; and, gas booster system.


  • Generating up to 15.3 megawatts of clean power per year.


  • Total construction cost approx. $8 million. 


  • Project rebates/grants of $2 million.


  • Construction completed in 2012.


The partners of Powergen were responsible for providing the engineering as well as the ongoing operations and maintenance for the cogeneration system at the Hilton New York.


The team designed a 1,750 kW rooftop combined heat and power (CHP) plant for installation on a setback rooftop. This installation reduces the facility carbon footprint by over 10,000 tons per year.


This complex installation includes a total of seven (7) 250 kW MAN natural gas driven reciprocating engine generators with associated heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs). Jacket water from the generators is also being used for heat recovery to supplement domestic hot water production. Construction of dunnage and support steel for a rooftop penthouse structure for the new CHP plant is included.

Low-pressure gas was available at street level, so a gas booster installation is also included at the rooftop setback to supply the generators with required gas pressure.


Initial construction costs were partially offset with supplemental funding from NYSERDA. In addition, the engineering team demonstrated attractive economic payback due to the substantial energy cost savings through on-site power generation and coincident heat generation.

©2019 Powergen Development Group, LLC.

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